Monday, June 27, 2011

Thursday Mountainbike ride

Hey boys and girls...hope you're all doing well! I feel like we should be getting out to the woods to do a semi epic mountain bike ride but also something new. So, here's the plan...this Thursday we are going to do the Case/Gay City loop. The ride will start at the Line St parking lot in Glastonbury, CT. Because I'm not as technically savy as Scott I can't post a click here type thing, but I can tell you that Line St is off Rt 83 (South Main St) from Manchester. It's exit 3 off 384. After you turn left onto Line st from South Main, look for a parking lot on the left about a mile up the road. Trust me, it will be obvious. The lot may be full, so just try and find a spot on the road side. The ride ends up being about 20 plus miles, fun, technical...for those who haven't been there, I'm sure you're gonna dig it! As usual, if we can plan on meeting by 5;30 and rolling as soon as possible, we will all benifit. Any questions, concerns, issues, me, text me, email me...smoke signals...(860)989-6552 or

Can't wait, lets go have some fun,


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